Looking to build a cool Slack-based tool this week...
# general
Looking to build a cool Slack-based tool this weekend, feedback appreciated I am eager to code with chatGPT this weekend. And to make the most of it, I’d prefer it to be useful. Do you have a specific problem that’s bugging you and you’d love to see it solved? Ping me, I’m happy to see if I can build something to solve it. Ideas so far: • AWS pricing estimator in natural language in Slack (instead of the horrible AWS UX 🙄) • In-Slack comments on error logs to include solution steps
I frequently need to lookup “monthly price for rds postgres m6g.2xl”
That could be super cool
If you want to venture into not-useful territory, I always thought it’d be funny to make a “don’t quote me bot” that sends replies, quoting someone, every time they say something like “don’t quote on this…”
hahah, I am very open to venturing into the ‘not-useful’ space 😉
@Brandon Palmer thanks for sharing - any other pricing info you look for regularly?
For me personally, RDS + EC2 + S3 + MSK.
“how much will our pricing increase if we go from m6g.2xl -> m6g.8xl”
Nice, thanks for sharing!
BOFH-removal tool implementing "Rewrite the following message to be polite, firm, and pleasant".
@Paul Nathan yes, thinking about this, too. do you currently go to chat.openai.com to ask it, to rewrite stuff? how often and for what? what’s the prompt?
@Jan Mundin (1) Well, I have had 10 years of professional work generally beating the BOFH-syndrome out of me. (2) I haven't incorporated chatgpt into my normal work world, tbh. It just doesn't do good enough with code for me to do that heavily. (3) I did experiment with asking it to rewrite "hey could you fix this bug" statements (statements that some might find rudely direct) and it kept sending me ultra-formal Dear Colleague letters. So some prompt engineering would be required as well as tuning for the closeness of relationship.
Nice, thanks for sharing 🙂
I’ve had the same experience, just ‘please rewrite’ gets you what the average business email out there is
It took a bit longer, but the first version of the cloud pricing slack bot is done. For now I’ve only implemented AWS services, hence it’s in alpha. But I’d be curious to hear what the most common pricing prompts are for you - and whether you mostly need estimates (only set the most important parameters on calculator.aws) or exact prices. Also, how often do you look up cloud prices? https://go.kubiya.ai/cloud-pricing for a video + signup to the alpha