# general
How do you construct the wizard?
I am thinking to build a react component that builds the ui from the TF module input paramaters
Maybe you have it?
Btw, we want to do the same with Flux's Terraform controller and / or Crossplane: https://github.com/gimlet-io/gimlet/issues/462
Hi @Laszlo Fogas! 👋 Mor here, solution architect at Port 🚢 In order to build the UI wizard we use the JSON schema definition, you can see more examples and explanations in our documentation here The self-service action JSON schema you define in Port is translated to the UI wizard you see in the article
Right. We also use the json schema to generate the ui. I am thinking, wouldn't it be nice to generate a schema from a terraform module, then use that to generate the UI. That way it would not need manual step. At least not from the platform engineer. But more the terraform module author
@Laszlo Fogas yes that is definitely an interesting idea, looking at the structure of Terraform modules, it also doesn’t seem too difficult to generate. It could definitely make the onboarding of existing terraform modules into the developer platform faster and easier
yeah, from the variables.tf maybe. I'm not the best terraformer out there.. but we soon get to this point when we need to answer this question. Maybe a small go project first that does the naive thing. Will share it if you are interested