Can anyone share how they manage repository metada...
# gitops
Can anyone share how they manage repository metadata on Github? I want to add info such as team ownership, service name that repo belongs to, link to docs, etc. Preferably via API. I was surprised that there is no concept of tagging or labels in Github API. Well, there is, but one is related to git itself, while the other is related to issue labeling.
we manage our github repos using terraform using the github_repository resource. i have to believe the terraform provider is just leveraging github’s api so it’s almost certainly available to you. there’s
property which works a lot like a label.
We have
files in all our repositories.
Thanks, using
makes sense for adding simple metadata.
@Tomas Dabašinskas do you follow some kind of public standard format for
file or is it all in-house?
In-house. Yet, we are PoC’ing Backstage (including their catalog-info.yml file)