Question: what tools do you use to be more product...
# general
Question: what tools do you use to be more productive at coding? What tools have you seen that make A- coders A+
If you're not familiar with bash and associated utilities, that's a big boost.
• Deliberate practice: code katas, anki • Utilize "universal" set of tools: bash (as above), git, docker • Understanding the larger ecosystem: how does the package manager work? • Learn different languages • Read a lot of code: code reviews, popular open source projects • Engage with other programmers: learn how others work • Know your IDE of choice
everything from Paul and; -use a static code analyser, e.g. sonarqube/sonarcloud -know common design patterns and their pros cons -code reviewing = programming -keep in mind we read code 100 times more then we write it, so for general productivity it better be easy to understand for others
If you want to see what others said as well here it is