Hey there :wave: We’re are making Runme, a markdo...
# platform-toolbox
Hey there 👋 We’re are making Runme, a markdown-native runner for dev workflows & environments. We’re still early; however, I’d love to solicit some feedback if you have a minute to test-drive it. It’ll often work just out of the box with your files, such as BUILD.md, README.md, or any other markdown docs in your repo. Let me know what you think! https://runme.dev/
this looks like a great example of literate programming, nice!
Don was always on to something, wasn’t he…! 🙂
It’s less about coding than running code, though. Happy to give you a demo some time.
I let my SRE's know about this, this seems like magic pixie dust for runbooks
(my team right now does mostly CDK right now, so most of these workflows get dumped into projen)
I can 100 percent say runme is magical 😂 for runbooks
I am tempted to put “Magic Pixie Dust for Runbooks” as H1 on Runme’s project page 🙃
Look interesting! Will test it soon 💪Your product is like
and Jupyter Notebook having a baby.
That’s an excellent description @Hiep Pham. The best part is it’s open source. Let me know how it goes.