:platformcon:We are live with our first warm-up Pl...
# general
platformconWe are live with our first warm-up PlatformCon event:


If you have any questions - leave your comments on YouTube or here on Slackdance
👀*Questions from the stream:* @Luca Galante who is the best to answer this? Hi, just curious here…. My understanding of platform engineering is somewhere in between devopasna/sre and software architecture… what do you think about that…? :)
@Susanne Tünker this one is for you: do you think custom in house configuration services are still needed? Or is it enough to use dotenv/ configmaps?
@Luca Galante Is platform engineering somehow mix of cloud engineering + IaC + configuration management + ci/cd + automation + system administration? my company is planning to rename our to make it more inclusive
and one more: ​could you please define what is platform engineering?
do you think custom in house configuration services are still needed? Or is it enough to use dotenv/ configmaps?
Teams can definitely benefit from configuration focused services. This mostly depends on the complexity of your set up as well as the skillset of your developers though. While most devs will be familiar with dotenv might not everyone feel comfortable managing configmaps and secrets in Kubernetes. In that case you might want to think about implementing some kind of abstraction layer that simplifies configuration management and makes it more accessible to everyone (by taking care of transforming everything into Kubernetes objects under the hood) for example. While this can be done as part of a custom/in house solution is there also a lot of off-the-shelf tooling available thats worth to have a look at.