Hey all :wave::skin-tone-2:! I'm Saim, and I'm wor...
# platform-toolbox
Hey all 👋🏻! I'm Saim, and I'm working on the Paralus OS project to help platform and platform teams to choose Key design considerations and tradeoffs that can leverage to enable secure k8s access, How Paralus OSS can help platform teams enable a seamless kubectl experience, and centralize the config of k8s access controls for their developers across clusters running in public cloud environments and/or on-premise data centers, and you can find my talk here: https://platformcon.com/talks/abstracting-kubernetes-and-setting-standards-with-internal-developer-portals Let me know what you think - and if you want to discuss anything Kubernetes access management, Internal Developer Portals, or Guiding principles for platform and platform teams with me -> I'm here and also here #rafay-at-platformcon23 https://platformcon.com/talks/enable-secure-self-service-access-to-kubernetes-clusters-with-paralus