Hi <@U046L6KJL8H> So it's early days with regards...
# platform-toolbox
Hi @Petra Korinne Frikowski So it's early days with regards to WebAssembly at the moment. I'm in the process of writing a book and creating other resources, but they'll be the back-end of this year before they're done. I've got some blogs about WebAssembly on my blogs site such as these: https://nigelpoulton.com/webassembly-the-future-of-cloud-computing/ https://nigelpoulton.com/what-is-cloud-native-webassembly/ https://nigelpoulton.com/getting-started-with-docker-and-wasm/ https://nigelpoulton.com/webassembly-on-kubernetes-everything-you-need-to-know/ https://nigelpoulton.com/webassembly-on-kubernetes-ultimate-hands-on/ The first three are a bit high-level, but the two Kubernetes + WebAssembly ones go into some detail. Depending on what you're interested in, I recommend the websites and blogs of Fermyon and Cosmonic. On the topic of serverless, Kate Goldenring gave a great session at Cloud Native Wasm Day in Amsterdam earlier this year:


This is great thank you! I think I will need to read more on this! Again, amazing talk