I am interested to understand is using helm to dep...
# general
I am interested to understand is using helm to deploy easy or arduous? Is this the best tool for deployment in multi cluster environments??
It works best if you pair it with something like ArgoCD or Flux, see this thread from #gitops : https://platformengin-b0m7058.slack.com/archives/C043221PH2B/p1679015963766929
Helm deployment is pretty straight forward and as Kyle pointed out above, it does pair exceptionally well with Flux or ArgoCD. Helm chart development can be difficult due to the use of golang templating to generate whitespace sensitive yaml outputs. Chart development may or may not be applicable to your situation however, and there are tools to help with unit testing and such to make it less painful.
Thanks for this guys. I was wondering why going multi cloud adds more complexity of helm is straight forward? Is the networking the pain?
Helm is just a packaged way of installing software into a K8s cluster. It has no impact on if you’re multi cloud or not. You could consider it the k8s equivalent of something like YUM or RPM or NPM It’s the getting the chart to the cluster that’s complicated by multi cloud, and that’s where things like Flux and Argo can help as they will watch Git for changes to the chart and synchronize the cluster.