Curious if anyone has an existing Platform Enginee...
# general
Curious if anyone has an existing Platform Engineering survey they send our to their teams to get some signal on pain points, what can be improved, etc? The idea is to send out these surveys to our internal customers every quarter and get a decent measure on how happy our customers are 🙂
My team runs two surveys: • A weekly Slack poll that asks “What affected your development experience this week?” with a few default options and an open field. • A quarterly NPS-style survey that asks how likely they are to recommend their development experience and an open-ended question “If you had a magic wand, what would you change about your development experience?” Happy to talk about our results so far.
Happy to talk about our results so far.
Would love to hear more about this!! • How long have you been doing this? • Do the answers drive the platform eng roadmap? • How is participation in the survey?
• The weekly survey since January of this year. The quarterly survey just twice so far this year. • Yes, we use the highest responses as problems to find potential solutions, iterating on a few hypotheses. • Participation in the weekly poll has begun to wane some, but we still spikes in responses when it’s clear something isn’t working, which is good. The second quarterly responses have been lower as well, which aren’t sure what to attribute to. Maybe some related to it being summer and more engineers are on PTO. Or maybe just some survey fatigue. Have been discussing that with my team.
🚀 We are conducting research on VPC connectivity automation, how to reduce egress costs, and 3rd party SaaS connectivity. Would be happy to chat with anyone who finds these areas of interest.
@Jason Kennedy would you mind sharing the surveys with me? (or at least the parts that you can) How do you go about conducting said surveys? Google forms?
We use the Polly app in Slack. • The weekly question is just “What affected your development experience this week?” with some pre-filled options and the ability to add a response. It’s sent in our main engineering channel for anyone to respond to. • The quarterly poll is sent as a DM poll through Polly also. The NPS question is “How likely are you to recommend your development experience [at company] to others?” and then an open text question “If you had a magic wand, what would you change about your development experience?”
Thank you!!! Really appreciate all the help!