Сloud Builders: Python Conf is already today :snak...
# events
Сloud Builders: Python Conf is already today 🐍 Are you with us? Just save your place 👉 https://www.cloud-builders.tech/en/python-conf Today's evening, we will start with the cosmic journey with a fireside chat about Python's role in unlocking the secrets of the Universe with the #JamesWebbSpaceTelescope 🌌 Then we join 4 deep-dive Python talks: #codeimprovement with #formatters like #Black #PyBetter; #AIspace, #Open-Source models, #Caikit, #OpenShift, #API; synergy between #OpenSearch, #Python, and #serverlessarchitecture; and speedrun #Pythondeployments with #azd 👀 See you soon!