:wave: Hope you all are having a great day. I am h...
# jobs
šŸ‘‹ Hope you all are having a great day. I am hiring a Sr. Software Engineer II role within my Engineering Productivity team here at DigitalOcean. The ideal candidate for this role is demonstrably influential and passionate about the value and adoption of internal developer platforms, contributing to and driving standards that increase overall confidence and safety, and delivering effective tooling for our engineering community distributed across the globe. The role is 100% remote day-to-day, and this opening is available to candidates in the U.S., Canada, the UK, Germany, and the Netherlands. Compensation consists of Base + Bonus + Equity (RSU). Posting: This Role Has Been FIlled
šŸ‘‹ Thank you, I hope you have a great day as well. If it's okay with you, I would have some questions about DO and this role: ā€¢ Will there be several internal platform teams or just one team which tries to establish a solution for every other team? ā€¢ Are CI/CD best practices (trunk based development, always having a releasable software, TDD/BDD...) already established or is it the responsibility of this team to outline those practices and enable teams to establish them? Thank you very much!
Would this classify as IC2? Do you have any more info on compensation/package available?
@Alex Harper IC4. Compensation would be discussed specifically by the recruiting team, but consists of base + bonus + equity (RSUs).
Thanks! Should I apply directly or reach out to you?
Directly works the best; our recruiting team is on top of its game. Thanks!