Yesterday I had to go through my org in github and...
# gitops
Yesterday I had to go through my org in github and rotate credentials. This required me to click into every repo and check the secrets individually. Does anyone know of a tool that helps with something like this? I don't care to do that again.
You can set secrets in one place at organization level secrets then they get re-use in all the git repos
100% you can, and I cleared out all kinds of repeated shit and replaced with org wide secrets, but I needed to go to every repo to check to see if anything was registered within... which is a pain.
Even something as simple as an app that generates a list of secret names and the repos they're in would have saved me a couple hours. That's probably something I can write myself.
I was going to say the same, next time your going to use the mouse write a script/program
Hey @Troy Knapp! You could try GitHubs CLI - see here:
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking... I plugged my problem into ChatGPT and it came up with something I'll try out when I get a chance
Its using the API, but same idea
Using the CLI covers all the auth and fun - wrap that into a little script… and I couldn’t stop myself 😄
Copy code
gh repo list | cut -f 1 | xargs -I % gh secret list -R %
That should give you the output you desire quite quickly.
That's pretty slick! I'd still like to have the repos they were in printed off in the results... but that's not hard:
Copy code
gh repo list SumerSports | cut -f 1 | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %; gh secret list -R %'
not perfect, but good enough
wow very cool @Clemens Jütte the gh is power tool
We've started to terraform our GitHub repos to avoid this kind of stuff, usually generating random secrets when possible. We have a long way to go, but the hope is to avoid this kind of stuff in the future
This isn't a bad idea either... I'd have to get buy in from my data scientists which seems... hard. lol
Another option from GitHub itself to manage repos via config file