New pricing structure for Terraform Cloud? They ch...
# terraform
New pricing structure for Terraform Cloud? They charge you per hour per resource? Terraform, what are y'all doing?
This is why we are using our own kubernetes cluster with github actions
I use Env0. Its great, and I don't have to deal with this kind of thing.
Bridgecrew made their pricing "per resource" as well It's very difficult to understand what you're going to be charged until it's too late
🤔 am I missing something, tf cloud I'm guessing is mostly a workflow engine once it's done the tf run whats there for it to do? Feels like a rip off 🤷‍♂️
You're not missing anything. Most people even manage their own remote state on S3, or AZ Storage Accounts...
Ya that's what I do 😂
So to connect all the dots... Hashicorp changed Terraform's license agreement so that other platforms can't run their code without paying Hashicorp. They told us that it was to protect their business model. Now, they're restructuring the only legitimate way to run TF version 1.6+ so we (people that run Terraform) pay more.
This is the literal nail in the coffin for me, I think. I'll be running OpenToFu 1.6+ on all my projects by the end of the year.
💯 feels very desperate like
FWIW - to be fair, there is custom pricing above the standard tier. That might or might not be more expensive still.
That's because of this "Contacting Sales is the best option to help you optimize your costs. There, we will discuss contract options such as when you commit to a certain amount of spend or usage. In our contract plans, the larger your usage, the greater your discount compared to the flat rate, pay-as-you-go model" 🤷‍♂️