We posted a blog/overview on platform engineering....
# general
We posted a blog/overview on platform engineering. Here's what's covered: 1. What is Platform Engineering 2. Platform Engineering's impact on productivity 3. How to build Platform Engineering teams 4. How to evaluate Platform Engineering tools 5. Platform Engineering tools https://www.taloflow.ai/platform-engineering Please let me know if you have any questions / I'm happy to be a resource
I’m not sure to get the purpose of your Taloflow - Plus, your Platform Engineering report looks incomplete.
Hi Romaric, it's a tool to select solutions based on your unique use case. We've done lots of work evaluating platform engineering solutions and have 18 solutions so far. Would love to add Qovery. I'll reach out directly
Hi Louis-Victor. I fully appreciate that the list of PE is incomplete as a lot of solutions have emerged recently. Tons of work. However your approach would benefit from the clarity offered by solution categories. For example, the IDP solution my company, mogenius, is developing can hardly be compared with Spacelift (IaC) but more with Backstage or Port at high level. And once these categories are established, a lot of people would love to be able to navigate your list according to fine criterias such as: • toolset (build like backtage) vs solution (buy) • Available as a self-hosted solution or managed only • Open source, partially open source or not • available on local environment or not • Container orchestrastion support: K8s only or more • Ability to coexist with legacy pipelines or not • Etc