Hi everyone! I am looking for help to implement ID...
# platform-blueprints
Hi everyone! I am looking for help to implement IDP, including getting us started with Backstage. Any recommendations for consulting companies that can help with getting started?
Don't know much about consulting companies, but here's a podcast we did with Karl from American airlines about their backstage implementation that might give you some ideas: https://getdx.com/podcast/building-a-developer-portal
Thanks Leo
Tanzu Labs folks offer 1hr free consultancy - https://tanzu.vmware.com/office-hours (disclaimer, I work for Tanzu in a different team)
Any particular reason why taking the Backstage path? Backstage is quite complex to setup, takes months of work with dev skills required. Also it is not self sufficient and required paid plugins or custom home. written plugins to be effective. There are now newer no code solutions that have a much faster time to MVP to build a catalog and deliver self service actions to developers
we have a free open source gitops-first idp that supports a bunch of clouds, hope you’ll check us out. we have a great community too and help you with literally anything you need a hand with github.com/kubefirst/kubefirst kubefirst.io
@Jay Desai I shot you over a DM
Thoughtworks would definitely be a good call unless you have more specific requirements, that can be considered.
@Jonathan Gruber which solutions were you thinking about?
I'd recommend Port for its agility and easiness to build https://demo.getport.io/services And you can get a feeling of the effort/easiness to build it here: https://docs.getport.io/quickstart/
thanks everyone, this gives me a few leads!
Harness also offers an IDP which is build out of Backstage itself, you would get all the features of backstage minus the configuration issues and being upstream friendly we keep updating to the latest releases of Backstage.
hello @Jay Desai - can l ask what led you / the business to the decision to make on an IDP? What were the specific challenges / impacts being felt that led to that ?
if you want a searchable service catalog without all the bloat there's also www.whoowns.bot which takes < 2 min to setup, most cost effective and helps answers the most common questions devs have