Hi:wave: How many people are using Score? And is t...
# general
Hi👋 How many people are using Score? And is this stable enough for enterprise use?
Hey nm! This would be a fantastic question also for the score.dev slack. As this is an OSS project, it’s really hard to get realistic usage statistics - you could use it and never show up on any radar. It is definitely ready for enterprise use, but don’t just take my word for granted - known enterprise customers can be observed on the public references at humanitec --> https://humanitec.com/customers
Having a track record in enterprise is useful information for me. thank you! However, it doesn't seem to be being developed and the slack community is quiet.https://github.com/score-spec I would also like to hear other people's opinions.
Sure! Allow me just one remark about the development cadence - it’s actually a very good sign if a specification is quite stable. It’s only a bad sign if all products implementing/using it are not developed and you won’t be able to observe that development in the Score repos. If you want to know what’s cooking in the background, you can have a look here.