Hi All, I have some noob questions regarding GitPo...
# general
Hi All, I have some noob questions regarding GitPod. I am confused a bit. So what I understood, we can deploy/manage our own self-hosted gitpod in Kubernetes environment. I need to deep dive more but, how developer flow works in this scenario? I meant, as a platform perspective, let's suppose we deployed and manage the self-hosted gitpod. When everydeveloper push a new code, does it mean do we need to spin up new cluster/node? https://github.com/gitpod-io/gitpod/issues/1585#issuecomment-640454553
cc @Pauline Narvas @Lou Bichard
> We can deploy/manage our own self-hosted gitpod in Kubernetes environment. • Gitpod has a self-hosted (but not self-managed) deployment option: https://www.gitpod.io/dedicated • Gitpod deploys to your AWS account, but Gitpod manage it in terms of operational support. • Why? We found many customers spent too much time managing the underlying K8s, not getting the actual benefits of Gitpod. > When every developer push a new code, does it mean do we need to spin up new cluster/node? • Gitpod under the hood does run on Kubernetes, but you, or your developers/users don’t need to know about that. • Nodes and provisioning is handled by the platform, there are some configurations for bin packing/overbooking, etc. • The workspace lifecycles are managed by the platform itself: https://www.gitpod.io/docs/configure/workspaces/workspace-lifecycle • Developers get a workspace based on Linux, and can run tools like Docker, Docker Compose, inside it. > How developer flow works in this scenario? • Depends on what you want to do, devs can spin up one or many workspaces from the CLI, URL, GUI, etc. • What runs inside that workspace, or what it connects to (e.g. external clusters) is then up to you. • You can run a single microservice in the workspace, 50 of them, or connect it up to a remote cluster, also. Resources: 1. Local vs remote development options with K8s: https://www.gitpod.io/blog/kubernetes-local-remote 2. Achieving the above patterns in Gitpod -> https://www.gitpod.io/docs/integrations/kubernetes 3. How you can achieve ephemeral environments in Gitpod -> https://www.gitpod.io/blog/ephemeral-environments-gitpod
Hope that helps. But, if you let me know what flow you were hoping to achieve—maybe I can point you in the right direction 🙏
@Lou Bichard It will be great, but thanks a lot for your kind response. I ll read all the resources.
Gitpod has a self-hosted (but not self-managed) deployment option: https://www.gitpod.io/dedicated
But just one question before, I saw some resources/videos, where every gitpod workspace is actually a pod. So can't we deploy the gitpod to our kubernetes environment via helm or etc anymore?
Hope that helps. But, if you let me know what flow you were hoping to achieve—maybe I can point you in the right direction
To be honest, I am still in a exploring phase what might be best approach for our existing organization. But what is my mind, • As a platform team, we can have a centralized Kubernetes cluster, where each workspace can run in our own kubernetes cluster. This is a question mark, i did not understand fully 😕 Pricing model also confused me • As a platform team, we can create a base image per different project( in our company we have lots of fragmentation tho) - nevertheless each engineering teams can developer their own configuration base on references( .gitpod.Dockerfile and .gitpod.yml*)* • We mainly developing SDK, iOS and Android application. How GitPod can help us here also a question that I would like to learn more.
You can install Strong Network using help charts and decide how many workspaces to deploy on each pod.
We also extend the notion of developer workspace to embrace platform engineering by capturing not only the developer environment, but all the organizational concerns that come with it - project/organizaion, security, compliance - etc
For example, you can abstract an entire development team set-up including the charateristics of the underlying process, with integrations to multiple tools.
I have been working on a new article on that topic, but you can find already quite some information in my recent articles : https://strong.network/resources/reads
If DevSecOps tools integration is of interest to you, you can see how we integrate Jfrog platform (and others) in our platform. https://strong.network/jfrog-extension
Feel free to ping me for more question 😉
> But just one question before, I saw some resources/videos, where every gitpod workspace is actually a pod. So can’t we deploy the gitpod to our kubernetes environment via helm or etc anymore? To be clear: there is no helm installer with Gitpod today. Running your own K8s based CDE is a huge task—and not to be underestimated. I’d strongly suggest that you read this: https://www.gitpod.io/blog/self-hosted-not-self-managed. That article is from our CTO and explains why after offering and running that deployment mode for many years, why we no longer recommend it. Dedicated still runs on Kubernetes, and still runs in your AWS account, it just allows Gitpod to operate it for you. And to avoid confusion, Gitpod does still work well for developing cloud native apps: https://www.gitpod.io/docs/integrations/kubernetes if that’s what you’re trying to do.
What I understood so far from the readings, GitPod only provide a solution in AWS - where an enterprise company like us , this can be a problem. We mainly rely on Azure, and I am not sure what kind of latency issue we might have. As a summary, please correct me if I am wrong but GitPod currently does not have self-host (Kubernetes) and Self-host (Multi-region) solution, right?
@S Strong Network is a CDE platform that can be deployed on any K8S services, we have customers on Azure, GCP, AWS and Huawei.
We have support for a self-hosted K8S services, typically on top of a VMWare Hypervisor
Our platform also works in a fully air-gapped environment