Hello i hv a non technical question rather than an...
# general
Hello i hv a non technical question rather than an operating model … where to position the dataops guys into the platform engineering practice … we have our platform engineers looking after developers portal, pipelines, iac etc … but now we need to blend the dataops guys so has anyone faced something similar ?
Integrating your DataOps team into the platform engineering structure can really streamline your operations and enhance data management efficiency. Here’s how you might consider positioning the DataOps team: 1. Direct Integration with Platform Teams: Let your DataOps team work closely with the platform engineers who manage your developers' portal, pipelines, and infrastructure. This close collaboration can help automate and orchestrate data flows effectively within your existing infrastructure. 2. Establish a Dedicated DataOps Team: Consider setting up a specialized DataOps team that focuses on optimizing data delivery and building robust data infrastructure. This team would work to ensure that your data practices are consistent and standardized across all projects. 3. Form Cross-Functional Teams: Create teams that include both platform engineers and DataOps specialists. These teams can tackle specific projects where their combined expertise can be best utilized, ensuring that data operations are well-integrated with the broader engineering efforts. 4. Adopt a Service Model: Think about positioning DataOps as an internal service. Much like how platform engineering might offer tools and infrastructure services to developers, DataOps could provide essential data services like data integration, quality control, and lifecycle management. 5. Create a Center of Excellence: A Center of Excellence for DataOps could be a great addition alongside your platform engineering teams. This center would focus on establishing best practices, driving innovation, and providing training in data operations to elevate your organizational capabilities. Choosing the right integration strategy will depend on factors like your organization's size, culture, and existing processes. It’s important to clearly define the roles and responsibilities and how DataOps and platform engineering will interact to avoid any overlap or gaps in service.
Thanks a lot for replying … 4 and 5 I wouldn’t go for u lose the product mindset … i was thinking as below under the platform engineering team i hv thr product owner and the platform engineers (mix of cloud engineering and developer experience) i will add dataops engineers under the same umbrella and reprting line and they focus on data … which i think it is a mix between option 1 and 3 … am i right ? And does this make sense
Yes, it’s a mix of option 1 and 3.
Thanks a lot makes sense for me also