(:pray: sorry for if you already saw this on anoth...
# platform-toolbox
(🙏 sorry for if you already saw this on another channel) 🎉*Welcome to PlatformCon 2024 Day I [Monday, 10th June 2024]*🎉 Tardecitas from rainy Madrid, Spain 🌧️ What a way to open this edition with my Thoughtworks colleagues!!! Today is for us Thoughtworks about: Harmonisation and orchestration, Terraform and testing, and the challenges we face as platform teams. • @Ajay Chankramath on “Harmony in engineering platforms: A decision tree symphony for Orchestrator selection” • @Dharani Sowndharya Gopalakrishnan on “Terraform testing revolution with version 1.6” • Last but not least, my dearest colleague @Marco Pierobon and myself on “The challenges of platform teams (and how to solve them)” We would love to hear your thoughts, your experience, your feedback… Join us at #thoughtworks-at-platformcon I personally would love to hear about the _*challenges you face as a platform team and how you overcome them*_👇