Both are owned by Microsoft, but a never-ending qu...
# general
Both are owned by Microsoft, but a never-ending question - which is better - GitHub or Azure DevOps? Both are powerful tools for development teams that need to facilitate communication and manage projects. However, my vote goes to GitHub. Why? Mostly because GitHub helps projects be the most accessible to the open-source community. However, there are many other high(low)lights here and I found most of them covered in this blog post. Let’s discuss it here in the comments. Pros and cons, your preferences?
I see GitHub as not as feature rich as Azure DevOps is, especially when it comes to boards. However, I see that the adoption for GitHub is awesome as everyone is using it and it is fairly simple and good to use. Of course, this is due to it’s involvement in the OS community.
One hint that I have from a trustworthy source is that GitHub will on a longer term deprecate Azure DevOps. At Microsoft the teams that work on the same aspects of Azure DevOps and GitHub respectively, are the same teams 🙂
Really? Didn't know that. Interesting
haha, agreed
I haven’t used GHA a whole lot but I could not in good conscience recommend Azure Devops to someone. 😐
@jonny s. why?
Azure Devops may not be exactly part of Azure, but it definitely shares Azure’s terrible UX. If you have a non-trivial number of pipelines, it’s very difficult to find what you need. And I could maybe forgive that, if the API / CLI wasn’t such a pain to use (which is another complaint I have about Azure in general…)
Azure Devops is atrocious
I heard Azure Devops is copy of GitHub actions as Microsoft bought GitHub out. They have similar styling. If you are building Azure, Azure DevOps is good especially storing secrets and that. GitHub actions is more flexible.