:bulb: CPU limits are the most misunderstood aspec...
# kubernetes
💡 CPU limits are the most misunderstood aspect of resource management on #Kubernetes. Robusta.dev CEO @Natan Yellin will explain how they work and go over best practices for using them. Luca and Natan will chat about: • How CPU limits work under the hood • Three common misconceptions about resource management on #K8s • Whether you should or shouldn’t apply limits to your own workloads Register 👉 here. Let’s play 🎮! Guess which one fact of the given ones below is true about Natan? 1️⃣ When Natan is not on his laptop, he’s out in the garden growing cherry tomatoes 2️⃣ Natan hates reading Wikipedia pages 3️⃣ Natan was a botanist before starting his business