I'm trying to find an article that I read a while ...
# general
I'm trying to find an article that I read a while back which really resonated with me and I would like to share with my team.. But I can't remember how I came across it and I can't for the life of me find it! 🙃 It was about how Platform teams can sometimes wind up generating a lot of work for other teams (ie you all need to upgrade onto our latest platform offering, tweak your service configurations because of reason x) which goes against one of the core goals of a platform team of making things easier for their users.. If this sounds familiar, pls share the link!
I feel like this is a common story because it’s just like prioritizing documentation or technical debt, patches and upgrades and migrations take time away from features
Platform teams can only be successful if the managers make that time
That’s most articles. 😄 I can’t think off hand which it might be but if I come across in my never ending lists, I’ll share. 👍