Anyone here uses Podman? I read this article about...
# general
Anyone here uses Podman? I read this article about Podman vs Docker and I found it interesting that Podman is daemonless. Want to hear opinions from someone who’s using Podman in their companies.
I've been using Podman some time ago. There were some incompatibilities with Docker, nothing big as far as I remember. It was also a little bit slower. And yes it is daemonless. I was more interested in the rootless mode but it wasn't fully functional when I was using it. You can read more about limitations here:
I would throw another contestant into the mix. Since Docker turned commercial I am on and that's been a nice experience so far. I tried Podman as well and ran into issues with old docker-composes all over the place, which did put me off.
I haven't heard about colima before. Can you share your experience with it?
Isn't colima just a very easy to use VM with the docker daemon installed?
plus one for Colima !
looks like a docker-machine type alternative
I cannot tell you much about the experience - it just works 🙂
One caveat I found was, that if you upgrade via homebrew (and they come around from time to time), you sometimes need to delete and re-create your instance, because the old one will not start correctly with the new version. The rest was pretty much flawless for me. Performance is way better than Docker Desktop.
Yup plus one for Colima, it’s been a great drop in replacement for Docker.
I’ve used Lima to much success on macOS. Lima is in fact what Colima is based on.