While I love cloud / infrastructure platform - i’d...
# platform-blueprints
While I love cloud / infrastructure platform - i’d be interested to know if anyone here working on frontend platforms like micro frontends or design systems (web, iOS and Android)?
We did a lot that before but the standards are kinda low in UI and there is a lot of noise. I’m really enjoying working on DX outside of frontend
Hey @Taras Mankovski only just seen your reply. What standards do you mean?
There are good practices like routing and component composition that are not well known. At the same time there are few hard constraints that make it easy for people to make many small mistakes that are not noticeable for a long time. this makes frontend kinda a free for all. we've done a lot of UI framework building but it's kinda like draining an ocean with a bucket, no matter how much you scoop, there is always more to do.
there is lots of good dx work to do in frontend space but it doesn't seem very rewarding because a lot of UI architecture is blog post driven
Design systems seem like a pretty stable concept
Yeah, but what makes a good design system is not. There are many design systems and component libraries that only do the easy parts.