Hello everyone!! What kind of team dynamics have ...
# product-management
Hello everyone!! What kind of team dynamics have you already done to help build the product vision?
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I need to create my product vision, but not only the 'philosophical' one, but one more tangible to tell what are the limits of the product, what it is or does(and does not).
Context: it is an internal product of the company, an IDP (internal developer platform) and I need to understand the direction that the product should/can go because the product has the capacity to expand to other areas, such as governance, but I would like to understand with stakeholders and other people involved whether or not this is what they expect from the product.
One option could involve telling the story of “A day in the life“ for each of your potential end users/customers as they interact with the product in the future (especially highlighting areas that represent sharp improvements vs the current state). This would give you an opportunity to paint a picture that’s concrete enough for stakeholders and others to compare to their expectations. Given your context I would only use this tool in a one-on-one or very small group setting where folks feel comfortable asking hard questions and highlighting areas that didn’t align with their expectations.
I usually do a set of activities that help me create that shared understanding among people. I ran the next activities sometimes (not all of them apply for all situations): • https://www.funretrospectives.com/is-is-not-does-does-not/https://www.funretrospectives.com/collaborative-product-vision-activity/https://www.funretrospectives.com/telos-thinking/https://www.funretrospectives.com/letters-to-the-future/ The good thing is that you can run the activities with the team members, the stakeholders, or any person and come with good outcomes. It helps you in: • Create shared understanding • Create the right artefacts for communicating • Able with those artefacts to be available and be consulted later when you identify that people go in another direction.
There are two books that I like a lot on how to build those things collaboratively, it doesn’t touch your pain point but at least the methodology I think it might help you: • https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38590594-lean-inceptionhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58370946-product-backlog-building
@Cruise Hall that's a great idea. We usually focus on a specific topic to interview the users, I thing could be very interesting know more about the day by day of our potential users.
@Aleix Morgadas I was temped to do a " is-is-not-does-does-not" activity with the group but I am worry about the outcome. How can we have a good closure with the dynamic and don't let to be forgotten?
I don’t understand the part of worry about the outcome. In terms of the outcome to not be the right one?
About not be forgotte. I usually make the outcome available in a shared miro where the team collaborates for example.
@Emanuella Beghetto what did you end up coming up with? I need to do this for my team too 😄
Hello @jonny s. Actually in the research I realise that I need to step back and define the business purpose and the real customer first than I'll go for the product vision.