Found the list of 17 recommended DevOps tools for ...
# general
Found the list of 17 recommended DevOps tools for infrastructure automation. So far my team and I have tried Terraform, Pulumi, GitHub, Helm and Kubernetes. It would be interesting to hear opinions of ones who used other tools like Harness, Qovery, Doppler, Vault, Grafana and others as I honestly have no opinion about them.
Grafana + Prom is almost defacto standard for k8s cluster monitoring and observability. Offers so much out of the box of a single helm-chart, its difficult not to recommend (add some JSONNET and you have dashboards and alerts in code as well) I’ve used vault in terms of static secrets, I started a POC for dynamic secrets however left the company before that was completed. A really cool product as well Strong user of ansible, mostly because my previous place had all servers on-prem, which mean making changes to fleets of VMs becomes a breeze with ansible. Gitlab CI is my favourite CI/CD platform, ties into k8s and about any other system super easily. Runs a docker container so any tools you need are always there, makes it super flexible. Configures via YAML and uses DAGs which means you can create pipelines as funky as your heart desires
Hi @Linda Shay 👋 I am the author of this article - happy to respond to your question if you have specific ones 🙂
I would ask first what are the biggest pain points you want to solve and what are your constraints. All those tools can be used very good and very poorly. What I would recommend is pick as few tools as possible to solve the problems and standardize and build expertise on those. The more tools you have the more overhead of maintaining and using them to their fullest. Right now we are trying to undo our tool sprawl by standardizing on one tool per problem set.
(Full disclosure: I work at Grafana) - we have a fairly neat story when it comes to k8s cluster monitoring and general observability. Happy to talk through more but as a start I'd recommend what Andre talked about above in terms of trying to flesh out your biggest pain points & constraints first across your tech stack. Once you've done that, shortlisting the most common tools in all of the different areas and seeing how they stack up to your requirements helps you narrow down things