Interesting <podcast> on platform engineering, wha...
# general
Interesting podcast on platform engineering, what do you think? The guest says there are no experts in platform engineering, though you can hire platform engineers. Not sure I agree 🙂
I haven't listened to the podcast, but a valid argument might be that the space is sooo large that global expertise is simply not possible for a single human?
Well, it's not really about the global expertise...
"it's not really about the global expertise..." idk, If someone says they are an expert in Python, for example -- I expect that person to be able to answer almost any question I have in the Python space, same for expert mechanic, carpenter, etc. Generally, being able to do so requires significant time and exposure (exposure as a percentage of the available knowledge.) If one chooses that definition of expertise, which I believe to be a reasonable one, then one could say that platform engineering is so large and so new that no individual has either had significant time-exposure nor can claim a large percentage of knowledge of the entire space. I think this is more true for very dynamic technologies in which the space is ever changing. No human can keep a current mental model of the entire space.