Is anyone using or exploring Waypoint and/or Dapr?...
# platform-toolbox
Is anyone using or exploring Waypoint and/or Dapr? I’d love to hear any stories good or bad.
I have Dapr next in my queue to kick the tires on... looks interesting, and almost too good to be true. Wondering what I'm missing 🙂
haha…yeah it does look quite good. My current team’s stack is essentially a monolith that is trying to look like a microservices architecture and doing neither very well, i.e a distributed monolith. There is some ground support for moving some parts to more of a microservice arch but there is a fair bit of push back because of the amount of work involved in doing that. I’m looking for things that can ease and facilitate the transition and Dapr seems to play in that area.
Hey Daniel! I’m on the Waypoint Ecosystem engineering team, so my answer here may be biased 😄 before joining the team, I was a Waypoint user, and an open-source contributor to the project.
One of the main draws to Waypoint for me as a user was the consistent workflow across multiple platforms and environments. Build-deploy-release your apps, no matter the platform. Since I started using it, many features have been added, including very recently custom pipelines (in tech preview), enabling highly customized deployments. But the core feature of running your deployment on any platform of choice (AWS ECS, Nomad, k8s, etc.) was the original draw for me. The plugin system in Waypoint lets you do this for any platform you can think of, if you have a plugin for it (or write your own)!
That is one of the things that sparked my interest in Waypoint as well. We ultimately deploy to k8s but have an entirely separate setup for developing locally. The creation and maintenance of the local dev setup is quite a lot of work and I’ve been wanting to converge things to eliminate the extra workload.
That and pruning the pile of shell scripts for our multiple build stages would be helpful.
The ability to use Waypoint w/ the Docker plugin locally, and Nomad for a shared env deployment felt pretty awesome when I first made that connection. It helped the development team and the devops folks sync up, as the build artifact (just a Docker image) was re-deployable to either a single developer’s local machine running Docker, or a shared dev/test environment in Nomad, just by changing the Waypoint workspace.