I would like to know how platform engineering skil...
# general
I would like to know how platform engineering skill-set differs from Devops engineers ? Does platform engineering requires you to have knowledge of backend programming?
Charity wrote a good article that I think articulates what I also think platform engineering is moving towards here https://www.honeycomb.io/blog/future-ops-platform-engineering The roles are emerging so any given skill set is going to be in flux. I would say yes to having backend programming as part of the skill set but you will get a lot of different answers depending on who you ask etc.
In my opinion, there's no such thing as a "DevOps Engineer". Engineers simply utilize, or not, the DevOps methodology. Platform engineers allow developers to successful adopt DevOps practices. Without platform engineering, they are left on their own to figure it all out without any tooling to make these systems easier to use.
Okay thanks guys for the reference... So basically platform engineer is a software developer who develops internal platforms where developers can run their code... Like how Google SRE's are doing
devops is home - you cannot take it out of me although i have been many things i will always be a "DevOps Engineer"
But, DevOps is a philosophy, a way to do things. That's like saying I'm a "Clean Code Engineer".
It's much different than saying I'm a "Backend Engineer" or an "Infrastructure Engineer" which are actual things you do, not simply HOW you do it
Basically this is how I wanted it to be...i was always looking for a role combined Devops with development
@Jon Stevens I’ve been beating the drum of “DevOps is a methodology not an organization” for a while but I have seen it become that as the IT admins, Infrastructure etc. functions ‘modernize’ into ‘agile’ software development. 100% agree that the gap I have seen with a Dev Ops culture in an engineering org has been having no-one who can educate, simplify and create the right abstractions to make it so product engineering can own their code. Going to be interesting to see how all this evolves.
surely how you do what you do is more important than what you do.... i think that is direct from Across the Universe - it isn't for everyone nor is being a back end engineer for everyone so while you do not have to agree i am a devops engineer
You do you @Jason Davis 🤘