Hi, everyone! I was wondering could someone please...
# general
Hi, everyone! I was wondering could someone please recommend me a web-platform maker? (With not much coding). Situation: I have a project in which, I would like to have a web page in which people can order environments for work/demos etc. In this page there would be a login page, page where database and cloud would be chosen, multiple choice possibilities, summary and finally a JSON result of the environment. And a great feature would be if possible to sync this page with a google sheet or excel file. I saw a platform named "*Backstage.io*", maybe someone knows how it is and if it would be good for me? Or maybe some other recommendations. 🙂 I will look through every suggestion and advice. 🙂
Wasn’t this exactly terraform or CloudFormation needs to do. You can just have a web wrapper on top of it
Might recommend env0 as the web wrapper, as have found they’re useful for ad-hoc/on-demand environments from a Terraform template https://www.env0.com/managed-self-service
If all you want is a user self-service portal, Backstage is probably overkill. There's a cottage industry of cloud management platforms that will do this: Scalr, Morpheus, Embotics, etc. If you're in a big IT department, you may own already own (e.g.) VMware vRealize, ServiceNow, Cisco CloudCenter, HP OneView, any of which would also do the job
Check out Upbound/Crossplane as well. Upbound is the company with a paid service and Crossplane is the opensource solution. They've just announced a public marketplace which might speed up things as well. Note it is focused primarily on cloud infrastructure orchestration with providers for each of the major public cloud platforms. I've been tinkering with combining it with Kubevela but might also give Env0 a look at as well based on @Andrew Kirkpatrick’s mention here.
Thanks everyone for suggestions! 🙂 Maybe someone knows how cutomizable is Morpheus?
Flexibility is the main selling point of Morpheus. My sense is it's much more flexible than its direct competitors, though I'm basing that only on demos and conversations with the Morpheus team. I have no hands-on-keyboard experience.