Hi folks .. for all the Kubernetes people .. maybe...
# general
Hi folks .. for all the Kubernetes people .. maybe you are interested in these blog posts that I’ve been writing, titled the Challenges of Building platforms on top of Kubernetes: • https://salaboy.com/2022/09/29/the-challenges-of-platform-building-on-top-of-kubernetes-1-4/https://salaboy.com/2022/10/03/the-challenges-of-platform-building-on-top-of-kubernetes-2-4/https://salaboy.com/2022/10/17/the-challenges-of-platform-building-on-top-of-kubernetes-3-4/
Great content with a lot of details. 👏 Thanks for sharing.
Thank you @Salaboy Mauricio Salatino - really well written and super insightful. I’ve the feeling that every companies end up building the same platforms even if they pretend that they have specific need.
The trick is to reused shared pieces and focus on company specific stuff
And it’s not easy to evaluate all the CNCF projects to see is one is doing what you need
For me the most important part is to build something that allows you to pivot Behind an API, if not you are digging your own grave
Loved your vcluster/crossplane post 🙂
More of that coming soon
Thanks for the feedback!