Just found this article - do you agreed? <https://...
# general
Just found this article - do you agreed? https://blog.massdriver.cloud/devops-is-bullshit
my experience there is that building a dev-platform is super hard and even tough it might be the objective, reality is that you will have a devops team working on whatever is the latest necessary thing and never on the long term. The article also points to this: https://internaldeveloperplatform.org/ SUUUPER interesting resource.
Their not wrong, I agree with Enrico, one of the things that post does not talk about is, you need to fix the culture first, without that no amount of fancy tools will make Devops/platform engineering/SRE work
Interesting product they got, basically a mix of spacelift and gruntwork
Personally I would pick spacelift since it supports more than just TF
fixing the culture is the hard part. DevOps wasn't a bad idea by any means, but many orgs (in my experience) failed spectacularly on implementing the culture. They jumped straight into cloud-native, IaC, fancy dashboards without ever attempting to win hearts and minds. Because who wants to to do that instead of play with shiny new things?
Exactly, it always seems to be the boring things that turn out to be important lol
It so easy to throw titles that are basically clickbait to maybe increase engagement and have people read it(?). As you mentioned culture is hard. DevOps without tending to culture isn't DevOps. From there to say 'DevOps is bullshit' is either not understanding DevOps thus bad implementation / Attention Seeking / "Playing dumb" when he should say "Our Culture sucks! lets fix it" or "What our leadership doesn't understand" or god forbid "We did DevOps Wrong. How can we fix it"... And no, I have not read the article, nor am i going to as I've seen too many of those lately that's is discouraging so I choose not to get angry/stressed about these and just let is pass.
@Arie Heinrich, outside the clickbait title, I think the content is interesting and worth to be read.
the discussion it generated is interesting lol - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33274988
Outside the clickbait title, the article has some insights. DevOps is a complex problem and every company maybe different, because it is hard, so it needs simplification, needs products to make it simple.
Not a fan of the title but everything is pretty true. One observation though, maybe the issue isn't DevOps... It's a terrible culture, business process, and human element that bastardized the idea of DevOps.
Good point @Sean O'Dell 👍