How’s <Viktor Farcic> keeping up with everything h...
# platform-toolbox
How’s Viktor Farcic keeping up with everything he does?! He is a developer advocate at Upbound, very active onTwitter, runs his own Youtube channel, creates online courses, writes books, etc. But more importantly, he’s a PlatformCon speaker platformcon. Viktor will walk us through the steps of how to build an IDP with Backstage, Crossplane and Argo CD.
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Have been following Victor's videos for a long time, can’t wait!
☝️ 1
Wow! Have been watching Victor's videos and following him on social media since some time now. Eagerly waiting for his talk!
really looking forward to this talk!
Wow this is awesome and very timely for the new platform engineering team I just joined (first week of June) 😃
@CARLOS CHAVEZ 100% recommended