:wave: <@U039Q1DFJP7> How did you get real develop...
# platform-stories
👋 @Simone Sciarrati How did you get real developer adoption? Can you share more on that?
Hi Dominic, sorry for the late reply In short it is a mix of "marketing/advertising" and hands on help. For the marketing and advertising we leverage different channels: 1. An internal monthly newsletter to advertise new features/products and upcoming releases 2. We hold monthly webinars - this could be specific to a new feature or tailored to a specific engineering need we have noticed in the most recent weeks (e.g. many teams asking support for a specific topic) 3. We also have a company internal conference 2-3 times a year, this is a chance for us to talk in person to other teams and advertise our services or practically help them adopting one of our services As we launch a new service we reach out to teams that have expressed an interest to offer help migrating. This has been fundamental, especially in the beginning, to build a wide user base. Migrations are no fun generally and it is often difficult to allocate time to it VS feature development so we found that we had to invest our own time and resources to help other teams migrate. In many cases we embedded two of our engineers for two weeks on site with the development team to kick off the migration/adoption of our service. Right now it is somehow easier to gather adoption on consolidated services as they have become (for the most) the de facto standard in the company
Forgot to add that we also regularly host "onboarding workshops" - this serves for new teams willing to adopt our services as well as new hires needing to get up to speed with a service their team is already using