Nice to meet you<@U039HRNST0W>. Is the platform yo...
# platform-stories
Nice to meet you@Bryan Finster. Is the platform you built at Walmart still in usage today? How did you balance getting both developer adoption and executive buy-in?
The platform we built is still used and is still being improved by my old peers there. The platform was sponsored by the CTO as part of an initiative to improve overall engineering excellence. We specifically designed it around best practices for continuous delivery as a lever for improving engineering skills. To get SVP buy-in, we offered to take over the operational costs of their current platforms and used a "grow and replace" model to obsolete them over time. Those who resisted change at the end were offered the opportunity to take back operational costs. 🙂 To get developer buy-in, we focused on the developer experience and partnered with the leading adopters to identify use cases we were missing. Our vision was "irresistible developer experience." The DevEx wasn't perfect when I left, but it was so much fun for me to use it.
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