I'd be curious if anyone has a good example of a p...
# platform-stories
I'd be curious if anyone has a good example of a platform that's more like a fruit basket and one that's clearly fruit salad
I'm getting lost in the analogy. šŸ˜„ Is the difference that fruit salad is a fruit basket in smaller pieces?
I think the analogy only works when comparing two offerings. I donā€™t think you can say this offering is a fruit basket or fruit salad. As you can always go higher or lower. To stay with the image. The actual fruit salad could be considered a ā€œfruit basketā€ when compared with an organized picknick which would then be a ā€œfruit saladā€. Does this make sense?
It could be I'm not caffeinated enough yet. :)
A related analogy I've seen used a lot is that the value is in the seams
Thanks for the thoughts šŸ™‚ A fruit salad isn't just a collection of pieces, they are specifically chosen and prepared for a concrete use case
An example I can think of is "Kubernetes" as a service, as opposed to "Elastic Kubernetes Service"
It was harder to get that into a 30 second segment in a 15 minute keynote...
By which I mean that EKS has integrations to a wider ecosystem (storage, networking et al)
Which makes it a lot more useful than having to couple that on your own
re. picnic: agreed, there's often layered platforms above or below. The analogy might get a bit tricky at that point šŸ™‚
I sympathize with the time limit. I was struggling with 30 min and then saw it was 15 and had to ruthlessly cut.
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The fruit salad metaphor tries to speak to the platform "gestalt" if that's not too much a cop-out word. Here's the original blog post on it (I expanded it into a chapter in the Platform Strategy book) https://architectelevator.com/architecture/platforms-fruit-salad/
If by ā€œfruit saladā€ you mean an integrated platform of carefully chosen tools for specific capabilities instead of a collection of options, yes I agree that's best. I touch on that in my talk too.
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Caffeine kicked in šŸ˜‰
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