Hello everyone, I am a CS grad student at Universi...
# jobs
Hello everyone, I am a CS grad student at University of Maryland. I will be graduating in May 2023. I am currently woking as summer intern at GreenOps Inc. My work is to evaluate the performance of the deployment pipelines and monitor the metrics with prometheus and grafana. I am passionate and enthusiastic about building my career in the field of DevOps. I am actively building my hands on experience with k8s, Argo, docker and the CNCF tooling. I am looking for relevant entry level intern/full-time positions for the year 2023. Please let me know if there are any openings for the same. I would love to connect and have an interaction. Thanks.
I’d like to pick your brain about exactly those details, since I am doing similar work at TiVo. We might have something available for next year, I can ask my manager. Please DM me here
Hey Mark, thanks for getting back to me. I apologize for the late response. I was kind of out of the loop, for the past few days. Hence, i missed out on the thread.
Thanks for reply; are you able to share any of your work? I’m kind of stuck on making useful dashboards from the sonarqube metrics if you use those.
I am not sure if i am allowed to share my work. But, my work is on exposing the pipeline metrics to prometheus to build dashboards in grafana.