<@U03DUD9GU2W>: great talk! How did you measure ho...
# platform-stories
@Alison Rosewarne: great talk! How did you measure hours saved?
There were a few approaches. One involved comparing historic projects completed without the platform with modern projects completed with the project and identifying the effort that went into work that was no longer required.
Ah cool. Yes.
Another one involved measuring the time it took to build a component and then banking these hours every time it was subsequently used. e.g. if it took 5 hours to build an accessible quality button on web everytime you used the button thereafter you'd save 5 hours.
Some automation efforts saved manual human intervention - such as quarterly review activities that might take 1-2 days across a significant number of humans.
And thanks!
Thanks for that! Seems ROI is quite clear in those cases (modulo variance in older data/systems).
It certainly resonates with stakeholders who automatically translate it into salary $$$ 🙂
👍 1