In my experience the CLI is used more heavily at t...
# platform-blueprints
In my experience the CLI is used more heavily at the start of a platform build (pioneering), as folks are figuring out what they need (tools, workflows etc) and gluing stuff together. The UI comes when you're standardising (settling)
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Am having thoughts of slapping CLI, GUI, and API interfaces onto these graphs 🙂
Hehe, there might be some truth to that...
With the terminology I chose, I was also thinking about the work of Simon Wardley and others:
yep - one thing I found working with a very traditional bank on an internal platform was how you not only have pioneers, settlers, town planners in your platform team members themselves, but also with the consumers of the platform.
there was a major internal friction point where the platform team was still in pioneering mode, but developer teams that were much more town planners were starting to use it
This is a great point! How did you handle this?
we pushed for the pioneers to move onto a different team and started staffing the platform team with folks who were more aligned with the new users
basically pioneer platformers started moving from “infra-style” platform capabilities into higher order developer items
So, they moved to building more PaaS like functionality?
so they moved from relatively vanilla compute/network/storage platform capabilities to things like geolocation and gRPC as a service
yep - up through your evolutionary curve 🙂
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Ah, very nice!