Hey everyone! Does anyone can share some existing ...
# general
Hey everyone! Does anyone can share some existing Platform in the industry?
Some Platform tools? Did you look at this > https://platformengineering.org/platform-tooling ?
Hi Romaric! Good to see you here! Actually, I just watched your


30 mins before.
🤣 Thank you, I will have a look on this.
Hehe 😄 #smallworld 😄
Hi @Romaric Philogène, actually I have some questions want to ask about Qovery while I watching your video. 😉 1. How to achieve configuration persistence for Qovery? Maybe it’s easy for developer to deploy app on console at first time. But I think it may worth to export the configuration files for the deployments. So that developers/teams can restore the environment/deployments or reuse it for another apps or other teams can copy and paste. Essentially, I want to achieve infrastructure as code. So will Qovery support an additional interface ( say YAML file ) in the future? 2. In the company I am working for, developers also have some requirements to create and configure the third-party services, such as PagerDuty/NewRelic etc. So from my understanding, the Platform should probably also have the ability to create third-party service resources with same user interface, so will Qovery support this kind of things in the future? 3. When I was reading how Qovery works? It seems like Qovery can handle most of the CICD lifecycle of the app. But I wonder if it is possible to make Qovery as part of our CICD pipeline? Which may looks like below flow.
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git push -> [type check/linting/shell check etc] -> build and push image to central ECR -> unit tests -> Qovery deploy to staging -> Qovery deploy to PROD
@Xiaoming Gao Happy to respond to those great questions. 1. It’s exactly the purpose of our Qovery Terraform Provider. Everything that you do via the web console or the CLI, are available via our Terraform Provider. You can take a look at some complete examples here. 2. Yes, Qovery will support it via the web interface for December 2022 in beta and January 2023 in GA. This is what we are currently working on. Being able to spin up any kind of resources via the web ui. So PagerDuty/Datadog/NewRelic etc.. will be deployable via Qovery. We have some sparkling partners working with us on this feature. I can add you if you are interested 3. Absolutely, actually Qovery is a CD on steroid that includes some CI primitives. It’s made to be integrated in your existing CI. We do support well GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, Circle CI, Jenkins… (I’d recommend you reading this article on how Qovery works - it’s much more detailed.) . If you want to see a concrete examples, you can take a look at our public pipeline from our web console (open source). We use GitHub Actions as a CI, and Qovery as a CD. You can also add your container registries with Qovery.
Fantastic! I will read these docs and blogs!
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Being able to spin up any kind of resources via the web ui. So PagerDuty/Datadog/NewRelic etc.. will be deployable via Qovery. We have some sparkling partners working with us on this feature. I can add you if you are interested
I am also curious that how to take participate in working on this feature with you.
I DM you 👍