Adobe actually just had a session about it at kube...
# general
Adobe actually just had a session about it at kubecon, someone posted a picture of all the different categories they got that makes up their idp, ill see if i can find it, unless someone beats me to it lol
Ahh ya nice find 😊
Thanks, I read through this. What I am struggling to understand is that IDPs seem to be heavily focused on CICD, but developer productivity includes other concepts such as • Github copilot • No/low code tools • Hybrid workspaces that is fast to develop on local, but a lot of backend infra can be on cloud • Cost management as more developers launch their own environment • Processes such as gitflow I cannot find these references in any products being referenced. Is it because the platforms are not mature yet or am I mixing unrelated thoughts with IDP?
That's a very good point, very much what I have found, for right now so far most of the info shared focus more on tools, but like you said there is more to it like good documentation practices, cost management, how local environments work etc, I wouldn't say it's not because it's not mature but more not enough has been shared yet with the wide community.
Can you elaborate who has not shared this with community? Is it the companies that are building IDP, they are not sharing their vision or roadmap?
Let me see if I can explain, in terms of the community both adobe and intuit have shared quite a bit how they have built their idp`s, there have been smaller ones but the information is limited, what I mean by that is like you said a IDP is just not the architecture/tools, its also how they worked their processes around it, how they do their local environments and how that relates to the IDP, best practices they found useful etc, when it comes to companies that are selling a IDP platform or even open source ones, they focus more on the tooling ( because well their selling a tool ), but not so much the rest ( local environment setup, best practices etc, although im sure if you purchase their platform/product they will be happy to share best practices with you 😂 ) if that makes sense, the only one I know of that has shared best practices, how local environments would work with it etc is ( but thats because their building a tooling ecosystem around it )
Thank you now I understand it much better. Just watched @Brian Leathem’s talk on netflix platform console. Brian, what is your take on this? Is this coming to platform console (and if so, is it going to be open sourced)