Hello! Another Open Question: Im evaluating Backst...
# general
Hello! Another Open Question: Im evaluating Backstage, but, I would like to know what other similar platforms/tools are you using / evaluating. Any opinions? Long history: Why??? Here Meli (www.mercadolivre.com.br) we have our own platform, called Fury. Fury have a high level of maturity (Ill share detail soon in some session, we are schedulling - from nerd to nerd - I donโ€™t want to sell anything ๐Ÿ˜› - but want to learn ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐ŸŽ“). I would like to learn more about other platforms. Already studied Backstage and understood its pros and cons, and Ill be investing in some good concepts that I learn, and also, we are evaluating contribute with some plugin.
Really liked the background story thegeneralist wrote on you all, looking forward to that Fury session ๐Ÿ™‚
Hey @Juliano Marcos Martins (beleza? ๐Ÿ™‚ ) I could say Shipa may be one to look at?


Good Bruno! Ill take a look! thank you!
Take a look at what we are doing at prodvana.io/blog as well
Thank you Andrew. Iโ€™ll take a look
happy to connect on zoom too
Hey Juliano - Couple other thoughts - https://roadie.io/ provide commercial backstage support, https://www.cortex.io/ offer a similar catalogue along with some interesting scorecarding and scaffolding functionality, https://www.opslevel.com/ also offer catalogue
cool! DAvid!!! Im checkingCortex and Opslevel , roadie is new!! TKS!
if your looking at fly and render then https://www.getporter.dev/ is like the open source version
I liked Clutch a lot https://clutch.sh/ . Itโ€™s more oriented around building workflows, whereas Backstage is more oriented around catalog publishing. There was no built-in service catalog in Clutch at the time we evaluated, but I believe there is a framework for it now.


Just wanted to pop back in here because I have been on my own journey with Backstage. I realised quite quickly how much you still need to support once you choose Backstage as a GUI ๐Ÿ™€ So in case it helps anyone else on this journey, here is an blog that includes a video of someone building up Backstages GUI with Kratix as a backend: https://www.syntasso.io/post/kratix-and-backstage-a-perfect-pair