Hey Kubernauts :wave: I recently joined a new com...
# kubernetes
Hey Kubernauts 👋 I recently joined a new company where we deploy everything on Kubernetes. A single Argo CD instance manages all of our clusters and deploys a lot of stuff. There are many Argo CD Applications, some of which create other Applications. All of these manifests are rendered with Kustomize. Needless to say, there’s a lot of code! I wanted a visual aid to understand all that we deployed and how it was organised by cluster. So I wrote a CLI that parses all our code and displays the tree of Argo CD Applications across our clusters. I works really well, so I thought I would share. The screenshot below is what the CLI’s output looks like. As platform engineers and fellow Kubernetes users, how interested would you be for me to make this tool open source? Let me know 🙂
I find trying to navigate a monorepo of multiple teams is like walking through a d&d labyrinth, you never know what you will encounter! It's great to have a map for the journey, count me in
If you gave 1 team a project in argocd and let then viewed apps per project would that UI be easier to navigate?
Yes probably! Although in my case the UI was not the issue, but rather the code that generates the Kubernetes manifests. The UI was of little help because it does not display the nested tree structure I was looking for :)
i’m in the exact same boat with our install. even better would be up streaming it into the argocd cli
I think better built-in support for the app-of-apps pattern in general would be welcome
Were using ApplicationSets rather than an App of Apps