I am searching for an SRE who helps my team to sca...
# jobs
I am searching for an SRE who helps my team to scale to a second datacenter location, bring tail latency down to <500ms and build and nurture a platform for our developers to deploy 100s of times per day. My Infra at justwatch.com team supports the entire stack and helps the rest of the company to get their work done. We do this by building an automated platform to ensure developments are fast and can be executed reliable. Techstack • K8S + ArgoCD • Terraform • Google Cloud Platform • Golang We operate in a "done is better than perfect" fashion, and you actually will see the impact of your work in a short timeframe. No long decision processes before we try out new things. If that sounds interesting hit me up or directly checkout the job ad: https://jobs.lever.co/justwatch/7b0269b0-0cc7-4959-a0e6-f02b9309f6bd • Remote first team • Planned team size 5-7 people • The company is profitable and does not depend on any outside funding. We grow slow but sustainable. • No "brilliant assholes" in my team (and also would say around the company) • Fast 3-step hiring process Thanks! Simon
Hey Simon! Are you open to remote anywhere in the world? Hoping for specific time zones? Most of the other roles seem to be in Berlin, so wasn't sure if remote implied EU only
Currently looking for at least 4 hour overlap with german timezone