For people that run microservice architectures wha...
# general
For people that run microservice architectures whats the typical engineer to service ratio you’re seeting?
At my company we have a ratio of ~ 1:7 - 1:8 or so for 500+ services. I haven't tallied up the exact service count in a while but it is somewhere around there. FWIW our platform engineer to product engineer ratio is about 1:10.
Man, is this typical? That platform to product engineer ratio seems low to me. I haven’t really seen how teams are structured like this though so maybe that’s common
No idea how typical it is, but we have 1 platform team that is roughly equal in size to our product teams. BTW that ratio includes managers and stuff as well. Basically anyone under the engineering head count umbrella.
Makes sense. Good to know
i was trying to estimate prod complexity, less the platform hc, fwiw i think platform hc should be way more like 20:1 product:platform
unless you include things like core services (core business logic that is company specific etc in platform) that tends to seem to be not how folks are defining it though
The specific hc ratios are probably going vary a bit company to company depending on total hc. At a larger company (>200 engineers) our ratio is probably pretty high. We have < 100 total eng hc. your mileage may vary of course depending on your stack and complexity of your tech problem and what not.