Anyone have recs on what questions to ask a devops...
# general
Anyone have recs on what questions to ask a devops engineer for an annual review? Asking for me.
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^ Not everything in here would apply, but it's still a solid resource to start. :)
Perhaps I am missing the point of an annual review, but I would have thought it was about giving feedback on how the person has performed her/his tasks during the year? And if so, it is more a general exercise than DevOps specific, and I'd gather input from the teams that the person has delivered enablement features and support to.
👍 2
There should be ZERO surprises at an annual review and more of a formality and filling out the paperwork for the review. The paperwork should just be an aggregation of the smaller and frequent reviews that are happening to provide the timely feedback loop. Feedback is the breakfast of champions 🙂
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