On November 24th, tune in to Terraform Practices -...
# general
On November 24th, tune in to Terraform Practices - the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly with @Hila F. Hila is an all-rounder: Senior DevOps Engineer at Wix with more than 15 years of experience in tech, public speaking, DevOps, mentoring and even singing! During the webinar Hila will talk about how to utilize Terraform in a broader context rather than just an “infrastructure as code" tool, among many other things. After a 30-35 minutes talk, there will be 15 minutes for Q&A. We’d like to encourage you to submit your questions in advance. THU, NOV 24 · 7:00 PM CET - 10 AM PT https://www.meetup.com/platform-engineers-atx-online/events/288930644/