How ya been?
# general
How ya been?
It's a small world, been well. Landed Apple and there are too many things keeping me busy:) how are you?
Oh wow that's nice
I've been great. Got myself a wife and some kids
Running community for AlmaLinux now
Also things keeping me busy
How's apple for you? What you doing there?
What's the deal with almalinux? Is it like fedora or?
Mentioned it earlier but leading teams with finops, engineering, data science, and analyst to see how we can run more cost effectively across multi cloud
Ah nice. Very cool.
Well so red hat stopped making centos. So we’re basically doing the same thing. Except trying to build the community around it as well. There are some others doing the same but they manipulated the press and stuff and flat out lied to people, so a lot of fighting FUD
my day job is VP of Product at Codenotary
Ah just saw your post in the general channel. Finops, cool.
Glad you're getting a community, some concepts were neat in fedora but never made it into mainstream. It felt disjointed at best
Honestly the early days of fedora were great and I was there and worked on it for almost 10 years at Res Hat but then when Red Hat Corporate started taking more direct control of things and dictating rather than listening, that's when I left
It’s so funny because I actually mentioned gentle in a tweet yesterday
Haha small world indeed then
As for red hat, things change - a new company will get the added benefit of having you when red hat will have lost you