There are a lot of talks around platform engineeri...
# general
There are a lot of talks around platform engineering, in my view it's not the technical part what is the most difficult part, but the mindset. From building and maintaining infrastructure, to platfom as a product. Meaning doing discovery, user interviews, data driven feature delivery... more a mindset change. Who knows a good talk (youtube?) around this part of platform engineering? Around 30 minutes to keep the attention of engineers. 😉
cultural shift requires action, i would read what you do is who you are
you will need to reenforce mindset via values and mission; educating with talks is a one time event
I agree...power of repeating. 🙂▾

this is already something. We also shared the milkshake video. We want to do another event around discovery and user interviews, it's definitely not something you do over night.
Has the leadership team made the mindset shift and only asked questions in reviews that pertain to the customer? For example if you’re in an architecture review do you give a template that specifies the outcomes for the customer and how the architecture solves it that way
I think there’s a ton of good content online people can send around but it comes down to how the leaders show up and what questions they ask (or don’t ask) on a regular basis. My hunch with all platforms is that most leaders forget step one which is “Lead myself” and skip to “how do i change the mindset of my team”
I did the dx podcast with @Abi Noda on the user interviews topic. In that link are links to the guide we developed and questions we put together. I’d be happy to dive into another level of detail if it’d be helpful.